EUR1 Document

What is a EUR1 Document?

EUR1 documents are used to obtain preferential duty rates for those countries the UK has a trade agreement with.

In order to claim preference goods must meet a set of origin rules that will be laid out in each individual trade agreement.

Trade agreements can be found on the UK Government website.

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When and why do I need a Eur1 Document?

If you need to certify the origin of your product and potentially benefit from favourable trade terms, a Eur1 Document is needed. The document forms part of documentation required by customs. You will need a Eur1 document if:

  • You are exporting to countries outside of the product origin.
  • You are exporting to countries with a trade agreement with the UK.
  • You need to prove the origin of goods.

If this applies to you, you should be using a Eur1 document. 

Eur1 documents in a post-Brexit world

Since leaving the European Union, the Eur1 document has replaced the EU Eur1. The UK has preferential trade agreements with certain countries which and the Eur1 document will allow preferential rates to be applied, where applicable. 

How can I apply for a Eur1 document?

Online application

All UK Eur1 documents are applied for via our electronic service, eCert and are processed here, at the Chamber within two hours.