16 Jul 2024

Why Mentoring Matters: A Personal Perspective

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Written by Sarah Griffiths, director of PMO, Intercity


As a woman who has navigated the corporate landscape and is now director of PMO at Intercity, I can attest to the transformative power of mentoring. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of both being mentored and serving as a mentor. To support this months Future Faces theme of mentoring, I wanted to share why I believe it is not just beneficial but essential for professional growth and confidence-building.


1. Career Advancement and Promotion

Mentoring isn’t just about coffee chats and casual advice – although that is a great part of it! It’s a strategic investment in your career. Having a mentor provides a career roadmap—a Google Maps for your professional journey. They help you identify opportunities, avoid pitfalls, and make informed decisions. As a result, your chances of being promoted increase significantly. I’ve seen it firsthand, mentees who actively engage with their mentors climb the ladder faster.


2. Confidence Booster

This was the biggest one for me personally. Confidence is the secret sauce that propels us forward, yet, imposter syndrome lurks around every corner. Having a mentor acts as a confidence booster. They celebrate your wins, remind you of your strengths, and gently nudge you out of your comfort zone. On many occasions when I have faced daunting presentations or tasks, my mentor’s pep talk has often made all the difference. Confidence isn’t about arrogance, it’s about believing in your abilities even when the stakes are high.


3. Navigating Gender-Specific Challenges

Let’s face it, women encounter unique challenges in the workplace. From the glass ceiling to microaggressions, we fight battles that our male counterparts might not fully understand. Female mentors provide a safe space to discuss these issues openly. They share battle-tested strategies for negotiating conflict, handling biases, and balancing work and family. Their empathy and wisdom are invaluable.


4. Leadership Pipeline and Legacy

Mentoring isn’t just about personal gain, it’s about paying it forward. By mentoring others, we contribute to building a robust leadership pipeline. In my current role, I thoroughly enjoy seeing new talent flourish through mentoring. And, when they eventually step into leadership roles, it’s lovely to feel that I’ve played a part in shaping the future. It’s a legacy that extends beyond our individual careers.


5. Learning from Shared Experiences

Mentoring isn’t a one-way street. I’ve learned as much from my mentees as they’ve learned from me. Their fresh perspectives, tech-savvy insights, and resilience inspire me. We swap stories of triumphs and setbacks, creating a rich tapestry of shared experiences. It gives you a network that transcends organisational boundaries.


6. Goal Setting and Accountability

Mentors keep us accountable. They help us set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and track our progress. Whether it’s mastering a new skill or expanding our network, mentors ensure we stay on course. And when we achieve those goals, the celebration feels sweeter because someone witnessed our journey.


In conclusion, mentoring isn’t a checkbox on a career development form, it’s a lifeline! So, if you’re considering mentoring, whether as a mentor or mentee, embrace it wholeheartedly. Your career, confidence, and legacy will thank you.