Waste management firm wins contract with design and print service provider
Derbyshire-based Terinex Flexibles has appointed Willshee’s to undertake the company’s total waste management programme, to achieve zero waste to landfill and further improve its carbon footprint.
Terinex Flexibles provides design and print services for flexible packaging for leading food brands as well as non-food packaging for the pet food and medical industries.
There has been a great deal of innovation and investment by the company, which, with the recent launch of its net zero CO2 rated building, already has impressive credentials when it comes to sustainability.
Terinex Flexibles also has a wide variety of film and inks that are certified as compostable for both industrial and home environments and are suitable for anaerobic digestion. Furthermore, most films are certified for recyclability.
Willshee’s’ remit covers plastics, metals, wood, hazardous materials and general waste, and Terinex Flexibles will also be saving on refuse costs along the way by hiring in a compactor which means a reduction in the number of collections.
Terinex Flexibles site director Sally Hewka said: “Willshee’s will bring a whole raft of improvements to our management of waste. Not only further improving our carbon footprint, but also saving costs. Our aim is to reuse and recycle everything we possibly can and recover whatever little is left and send it to a waste to energy plant.”
Willshee’s managing director Dean Willshee said: “I am really pleased to welcome such an environmentally progressive business as Terinex Flexibles to our customer portfolio.
“More and more of our clients now have sustainability at the heart of their agenda and it is a pleasure to collaborate with these organisations to deliver environmental as well as commercial benefits.”
Click here for more information.
Pictured from left to right: Tom Wingfield, Ben Kelly-Walley (Willshee’s), Dillon Shaw, Sophia Kearns, Ben Waterall and Tim Gabb