18 Jul 2024

Technology businesses partner up for Helping Hands charity

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Solihull-based technology businesses Jumar and Phoebus have collaborated over the past eight months in support of the Helping Hands Community Project through their Soup Kitchen Takeovers initiative.

Together, Phoebus and Jumar have successfully organised and operated nine soup kitchens, providing hot, nutritious evening meals for up to 50 of the most vulnerable individuals in the local community.

This joint effort demonstrates the commitment of both companies to give back to their local community and support those in need. The soup kitchens provide essential nourishment and a welcoming environment for those who often face social isolation and economic hardship.

Since 2015, Helping Hands has provided a safe space, essential services and practical support to thousands of vulnerable people. Supported by the generosity of the community and driven by its volunteers, Helping Hands provides opportunities for people experiencing homelessness, domestic abuse, addiction, isolation, poverty and mental health challenges to build a better future.

Wendy Morgan, CEO at Jumar, expressed her pride in the initiative: "At Jumar, we believe in the power of community and the importance of coming together to support those in need. Our partnership with Phoebus and Helping Hands has allowed us to make a meaningful difference in the lives of many, and we are incredibly proud of what we've achieved together."

Paul Hunt, CEO at Phoebus, said: "I’ve rolled up my sleeves a few times with our CFO and CPO, alongside other colleagues and our friends at Jumar, so I’ve experienced first-hand how important the work is that Helping Hands is doing. It’s a very levelling exercise that reminds us of the profound impact we can have on people when we work together. We are very grateful to be part of such a wonderful community. Bonus - some of us can now cook a little better!”

Kerry Steward, Fundraising and Communications Officer, Helping Hands commented: "The support from Jumar and Phoebus has been nothing short of amazing. Their dedication and hard work have brought warmth and comfort to many in our community. We are incredibly thankful for their partnership and look forward to continuing this journey together."

For more information about the Helping Hands Community Project and how you can get involved, please visit the website.

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