15 Jul 2024

Student receives insight into the world of business through Chamber work experience programme

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A Stourbridge pupil gained a valuable insight into the region’s premier business organisation as part of Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce’s work experience programme.

Antonio Austin, a pupil at Oldswinford Hospital School, spent a week at the Chamber’s 54 Hagley Road offices where he worked alongside the organisation’s various departments and attended events.

He also had the opportunity to ask a question during the recording of an upcoming episode of the Future Faces young professionals podcast.

Among the highlights of Antonio’s week was spending time with New Business team member Dan Retter, a former pupil at Oldswinford Hospital School.

Antonio said: “During my time at the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, I have met and worked with very intelligent people like Jim (Bourne, relationship manager) who have greatly inspired me and taught me interesting topics.

“I also enjoyed working with Fran (Thomas, policy and projects assistant) and Dan Retter (new business manager) and I found finance and IT very engaging.

“It was very interesting to see all the different departments that make up the Chamber of Commerce and I am grateful to see what takes place behind the scenes of the organisation.

“The best thing about my work experience was the knowledge I gained and the work I did, as the people around me were immensely helpful and approachable.”

Policy and projects assistant Francesca Thomas, who leads the GBCC’s work experience programme, said: “It’s been a pleasure having Antonio join us as part of Team Chamber.

“He has demonstrated outstanding professionalism and knowledge of a wide range of subject areas.

“He has been a true ambassador for our work experience scheme and his school – Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge.

“Antonio has developed great understanding of the Chambers and worked hard all week, impressing staff across various departments.

“He has displayed great morals and discipline, is keen to learn, and has shared some amazing ideas and insight with our various teams.

“A huge well done to Antonio for his work this week, we hope this has been a great opportunity and insight into Chamber activities.”


Pictured from left to right:

Standing - Dan Retter, Francesca Thomas

Sitting - Antonio Austin and executive office manager Kate Warnaby

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