01 Jul 2024

Staffordshire transport gateway improvement scheme progresses with new traffic arrangements

Branston interchange.png

A scheme bringing major improvements to a key Staffordshire gateway junction is progressing well, with latest traffic management changes set to take place next week.

The project will ease congestion and increase capacity around the A38 junction. It includes creating additional lanes around the junction, on the slip roads and on Branston Road and Parkway. New traffic signals will also be installed.

During July there will be a series of one-way night closures of Parkway and the B5018 (between Parkway and Main Street) between 8pm and 6am.

These will take place from July 2 to July 8 on Parkway westbound and B5018 to complete lining and signal works, then between July 8 and July 11 on Parkway Eastbound to complete lining and signal works.

On July 17 the new traffic signals at the Parkway/Main Street junction will be operational, but no closures will be needed.

Diversions will be signed via Wellington Road, Derby Road, the A5018 and the A38.

On the A38 Interchange west there will be overnight closure on the northbound exit and entry slip roads and Branston Road from July 30 to August 3 and a further one on August 5. Diversions will be signed via Branston Road, Shobnal Road, Derby Road, Wellington Road, and A38.

In addition to improving traffic flow around the junction, the project provides key transport infrastructure for the ongoing homes and employment development at Branston Locks.

 Staffordshire County Council’s assistant director for highways James Bailey said: “This scheme will bring a improve traffic flow around the junction and support ongoing development in the area.

“We understand there will be some disruption while traffic management is in place for which we’d like to apologise in for, but it is necessary to enable us to carry out these essential improvements safely.”

The county council recently upgraded Burton’s northern A38 junction at Claymills and is making further improvements along the northern gateway route this year together with improvements on the east-west A511 to ensure all other routes into the town are accessible during the Branston works.

Regular updates on the scheme will be issued as it progresses.

Anyone wanting to find out more about the scheme should visit the project webpage.

People can contact the project team at: A38Branstoninterchange@staffordshire.gov.uk

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