28 Jun 2024

Should I stay or grow my business?

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Written by Clare Whalley from Meta4 Business Coaching


You set up a business to be in control of your future. Only now, you find the control you once had has been lost…

Your business is established and is doing pretty well, financially, but you are personally feeling stagnant, unfocused, and full of self-doubt.

You could continue in the same vein with a decent level of success, knowing that compromises to your self-worth and confidence are being made.

Or… you could grow the business. But where to start!?

It’s likely if you’re feeling like this it’s been going on for a few years. During Covid and post-Covid (we are still experiencing the aftereffects). This is not to be downplayed.

According to the National Institute of Health;

“The number of self-employed individuals dropped markedly during the pandemic. There were over 680,000 fewer self-employed workers across the UK in the third quarter of 2021 compared with the same period in 2019… representing a reduction in self-employment of 13.9 per cent.”

So, is it any wonder for those remaining self-employed, motivation and focus took a nosedive?

Continuing in delivery mode (rather than growth) will eventually lead to falling even further behind, both for your business and you. And trust me, you’d feel exactly the same in a job.

Is it time now for you to reignite your momentum and desire to grow your business?

Here’s how:

Reestablish your purpose

Now is the best time to stop aimlessly working in your business and create the much-needed space to work out what you want to achieve from your business, in the different space that is now.

When was the last time you thought about what you truly want for you and the business in the next five years? Start by asking yourself:

‘What am I most proud of?’

‘What impact did this have on my customers?’

‘What did this enable my customers to do?’

(taken from Simon Sinek’s Your Why)

This exercise will start to shift your thinking and enable you to spark old passions and develop new pathways to business growth.

Time to clear the muddy waters and get back on track.

Time to develop a realistic strategy for the future of the business and a plan to get you there!

Book in for my complimentary Kickstart Session – a one hour call to give you clarity, focus and guidance on your best next steps in business.