26 Sep 2022

PwC welcomes new student recruits in Midlands


PwC has recruited a total of 160 graduates and school leavers to its offices across the Midlands.

Of the new intake, 126 graduates join the firm 's One Chamberlain Square office in Birmingham, with a further 18 in the Castle Donnington office and 17 at its base in Milton Keynes.

The graduates will be split across the firm 's lines of services as follows; 104 in Audit, 29 in Tax, 11 in Consulting, eight in Deals and eight in Risk, with some graduates on a rotation programme to experience multiple parts of the business, including roles related to cyber security and technology, data and analytics.

In its recruitment, the firm has reinforced its commitment to social mobility, with 63 per cent of the intake coming from an ethnic minority background. 27 per cent from a lower-socioeconomic background and 14 per cent of the intake were eligible for free school meals.

Additionally, there are 21 students enlisted on its fifth cohort of the technology degree apprenticeship programme with the University of Birmingham, following 34 that graduated the course in July 2022.

Across the UK, PwC is hiring almost 1400 students throughout September and October. All of the new recruits are welcomed at various face-to-face events across the country.

Matthew Hammond, PwC UK Midlands regional market leader & Birmingham senior partner, said: “I am delighted to welcome the talented class of 2022 to PwC Midlands. With the recent Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games and various investments being made across the region, it is a fantastic time to be starting a career in the Midlands.

“We 're committed to offering training and opportunities to the next generation from a diverse range of backgrounds, and this year the Firm has made moves to further support social mobility, including the removal of the mandatory 2:1 degree results. It 's pleasing to see almost two thirds of our intake coming from an ethnic monitory background and over a quarter from lower-socioeconomic backgrounds.

“Our graduate and school leaver recruitment coincides with our technology degree apprenticeship programme with the University of Birmingham, now in its fifth year, alongside our Tech She Can and Tech We Can initiatives, which are just some of the ways we provide training, skills and opportunity to young people in the region. ”