Nominations now open for Solihull Chamber executive committee
The Solihull Chamber of Commerce have announced they are now taking election nominations for the Chamber 's Executive Council, which is to be announced at the annual general meeting at the end of next month.
The meeting will be held at Hogarth 's Hotel Solihull on Friday 31 March, in which a review of the Chamber 's activities and achievements during the last 12 months will also be discussed.
The new president of the Chamber will also be announced, following the stepping down of current president Tony Elvin, general manager of Touchwood Solihull.
There are seven vacancies for election to the Executive Council, as well as one vice-president vacancy. Emma-Louise Hewitt, Kevin Johns, Rebecca Gater, Jas Rohel and Pauline Clarke have all served a two-year term and under the constitution will retire at the AGM or they can offer themselves for re-election. In addition, Brad Parkes has resigned from the Executive Council creating a further vacancy.
Samantha Frampton (pictured), head of Solihull Chamber of Commerce, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to encourage Solihull members to think about nominating themselves or a fellow member to sit on the council.
“The Solihull Chamber Council represents the interests and concerns of all our members from start-up 's, SME 's, to large organisations covering all sectors, whilst promoting the chamber services in their day-to-day business wherever possible and actively encouraging membership ”.
Members wishing to be considered for election to any of the above positions must complete and sign the nomination form attached to the AGM notice and must obtain a signature of a proposer and seconder.
Nominated individuals, proposers and seconders must be members of the Solihull Chamber of Commerce.
Candidates are asked to submit a personal profile of not more than 200 words together with their nomination paper. This personal profile will be used in the instance an online ballot is required.
Please click HERE to download the Nomination papers for the election
Please click HERE to find out more about the Solihull Chamber Executive Council purpose & role
Please click HERE to view the agenda for this years AGM
Please click HERE to view the minutes from the AGM in 2022
Please click here to register for this years AGM
Nomination papers can be returned to Samantha Frampton, head of the Solihull Chamber of Commerce, via email Deadline for nominations is 24 February 2023