03 Apr 2024

Law firm partners with Walsall charity for Make a Will Fortnight

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Enoch Evans Solicitors recently joined forces with Walsall Healthcare’s charity Well Wishers for their annual Make a Will Fortnight campaign, held from November 3 to 17.

As part of this initiative, Enoch Evans Solicitors has waived their standard Will preparation fee in exchange for donations to the charity. The total funds the campaign managed to raise was £1,225.

Richard Neea, partner and head of the Wills, Tax, and Probate department at Enoch Evans Solicitors, expressed immense pride in supporting the Well Wishers charity through this collaboration.

He emphasised the firm's longstanding relationship with the hospital and its commitment to enhancing community services in Walsall.

Over the years, the partnership between Enoch Evans Solicitors and Well Wishers has yielded remarkable outcomes.

Funds raised from previous campaigns have facilitated the refurbishment of a sensory room for children with special needs and disabilities, as well as the provision of virtual reality headsets for young adults.

Witnessing the tangible impact of their contributions reinforces the importance of supporting local charities that make a positive difference in the community.

The recent Make a Will Fortnight initiative will contribute to upgrading the Chemotherapy unit at Walsall Manor Hospital.

Georgie Westley, fundraising manager at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, expressed heartfelt gratitude for Enoch Evans' ongoing support and the success of the Make a Will partnership. The funds raised will significantly improve the treatment room and reception area of the Chemotherapy unit, benefiting both staff and patients alike.

The collaboration between Enoch Evans Solicitors and Well Wishers exemplifies the power of teamwork in creating meaningful change. By coming together to support vital healthcare services, both organisations are making a lasting impact on the well-being of the Walsall community.

Enoch Evans Solicitors can assist and provide legal advice on issues that involve wills, lasting powers of attorney, the administration of estates and trusts, inheritance tax and asset protection.

Click here to find out more.

Pictured: Richard Neea partner and head of the Wills department at Enoch Evans presenting a cheque with Georgie Westley from Well Wishers

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