17 Jan 2024

Four benefits of trying BEMER therapy for a good night’s sleep

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There’s good news for the sleep-deprived among us!

A recent study has revealed that BEMER Therapy could have a positive impact on sleep, increasing the efficiency of healing, repair and regeneration carried out in the different sleep stages.

The study focused on a group of elite female football players who had regular courses of BEMER Therapy during an intense football season, each being monitored while they slept to determine the overall impact.

In the exciting results, it was found that those participants who used BEMER Therapy for more than 440 hours 'showed significant improvements in their total sleep time, sleep efficiency, light sleep, REM sleep and deep sleep on game nights and nights after games, compared to players who used BEMER less frequently.'

The study concluded that ‘BEMER Therapy appears to be an efficient tool for recovery, as both sleep quality and quantity are promoted.’

So, what does that mean for us chronic pain warriors?


BEMER Therapy, sleep and chronic Pain

We all know that the pain-sleep cycle is a vicious one. The more pain we’re in, the less we sleep. The less we sleep, the more pain we’re in. But with evidence that BEMER Therapy could promote improved sleep, we could see the following benefits with frequent use:

  1. Pain perception

Disrupted sleep or lack of sleep entirely can lower your pain threshold, making chronic pain symptoms feel worse. Improved sleep quality would serve to increase your pain tolerance, making chronic pain symptoms feel more bearable and manageable in day-to-day life.


  1. Inflammation

Sleep is essential for healing, and therefore plays a significant role in reducing inflammation. Without regular high-quality sleep, inflammation caused by your chronic pain condition can worsen. With BEMER Therapy improving sleep quality and thus healing efficiency, you could begin to see reduced levels of inflammation within your body.


  1. Cognitive function

Chronic pain and lack of sleep can both impact the way your brain works (if you know, you know – Fibro Fog is no joke!). Improving sleep quality with regular BEMER Therapy sessions therefore could improve your day-to-day cognitive function, particularly where memory is concerned.


  1. Emotional well-being

Chronic pain conditions often go hand in hand with mental health conditions like anxiety or depression. And, of course, lack of or bad-quality sleep can impact your mood and exacerbate symptoms of mental health conditions. If BEMER Therapy is improving your sleep quality, you may also begin to see improvements in your mood and overall mental health.


BEMER Therapy for chronic pain management

Of course, BEMER Therapy isn’t a fix-it-all solution. In fact, it works best when being used in combination with a full chronic pain management strategy, which may include medications, physical or emotional therapy or other natural supplements.

But, if it's good enough for pro footballers, it may be good enough for you, too! For more information on BEMER Therapy, how it works, and how to book your first BEMER Therapy session, please do not hesitate to get in touch