06 Feb 2024

CEO Stories: Five things we learned from Motivational Queen Zoe Bennett


Zoe Bennett – known as the Motivational Queen - was the latest guest on CEO Stories, a Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce podcast which delves into the minds of the region’s best and brightest business leaders.

The podcast, hosted by GBCC chief executive Henrietta Brealey, is available in full on all major listening platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Zoe is a multi award-winning motivational speaker and mindset resilience coach.

She is the founder of Training Personified, as well as the Multicultural Business and Community Champion (MBCC) Awards.

During the podcast, she discusses her eventful life and career - from her early roles working in market stalls and kebab shops, to overcoming traumas and setbacks to make it on her own in the world of business.

Here are five things we learned from her chat with Henrietta…

1) Turning trauma into triumph

During the podcast, Zoe spoke candidly about a series of traumas and setbacks that have impacted her – none more so than the brutal murder of her dad in 2011 which turned her world upside down.

She tells us about the long fight for justice, how it affected her life and career and how she has channelled the experiences into her entrepreneurial journey.

“Everything changed,” she said. “I said to myself, well, what would my dad do? So I actually started fighting for justice. It was just an insane time.

“It made me realise I can do so much, even in the worst situations.”

2) She’s a networking pro
Zoe is a pro networker – and her networking ‘dos and don’ts’ making interesting listening and reading for aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals.
She said: “A lot of people seem to think: ‘Oh, well, if I don't go there and get something, then it's not worked for me, or I've seen the same people again.
“Well, no - it's about building relationships. You can't just see someone once and then you've built a relationship. It doesn't work like that.
“Some people think: ‘Oh, well, it wasn't that well attended.’ No - it gives you more time to have that one-on-one time.
"You've got to stop thinking ‘what can I get out of it?’
"‘What can I put into it?’ is more what you need to be asking yourself.
3) She has her own jewellery range

As well as being a published author, Zoe has her own ‘Motivational Queen’ jewellery range.

The range is trademarked in the UK, Europe and the United States.

Find out more information on the Motivational Queen website.

4) Trivia to train the brain  

Asked by Henrietta what she does for fun, Zoe responded: “My fun is trivia.

“I play lots of trivia on my phone. I have to keep my brain trained.

“Not only does it help you be quicker and switched on, but you learn things as well.”

5) Unlikely inspirations

We love to find out who inspired our CEO Stories guests – and Zoe highlighted two “powerhouse” influences from the worlds of music and the big screen.

She said: “Hopefully I have a blend of Joan Collins and Tina Turner mixed together.

“So you can take everything from me, you can strip me with all the assets and worldly goods, but I have my name and I will rise!”

Listen and subscribe to CEO Stories.

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