27 Jun 2024

Academy students make it to final pitch of Air Rail Link challenge

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The final two teams of Sixth Form students from WMG Academy Solihull made it to the final pitch of the Air Rail Link Challenge at Birmingham Airport Air Rail.

The two teams presented their proposals to repurpose the current Air Rail Link structure at Birmingham Airport. Both teams presented their designs using freehand drawings and CAD software, projected their costs for construction, considered commercial revenues and confidently justified their choices with sustainability and customer satisfaction in mind.

This was a first for the students, embracing Project Management principles in a real-world scenario, and transforming their ideas into reality for a global company. Months of research, deliberating findings through an on-site visit in March and encapsulating a proposal in 45 minutes was a challenge.

Nonetheless, the two teams had two unique ideas to propose to Steve Walton - head of Terminal Infrastructure at the Airport, and senior colleagues, transforming academic skills into an industry standard presentation.

Airport chief executive, Nick Barton, spoke to the teams prior to the presentations, inspiring the students to embrace ideas no matter how unconventional to promote creativity and innovative solutions.

Speaking of their experience, WMG Academy student, Princess Tetteh said: “It was fantastic to work independently but within a team on a project on this scale. I learnt more about time management, planning and having the confidence to stand in front of professionals to share my ideas. I’d recommend this experience to any student as it has prepared me with employability skills to use in the real world of work.”

Steve Walton commented: “The commitment from WMG Academy and their young engineers has been fantastic. This project, which commenced back in 2023, has provided a rich opportunity for all students involved, and the results speak for themselves.

“Both teams should be extremely proud of their effort, application, and their final designs presented. This task has provided a glimpse of infrastructure engineering for the students, which I am proud to say they have fully embraced. Choosing a winner will be incredibly difficult!”

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