29 May 2024

Abbie Veasey- Apprentice of the Year 2023

Abbie Veasey.jpg

Here to talk us through winning Apprentice of the Year at the Greater Birmingham Young Professional of the Year Awards 2023, is Abbie Veasey.


What is your name, and what is your role and your place of work?

My name is Abbie Veasey, and I am a senior engagement consultant and project manager at WSP.


Were you nominated by someone else for an award, or did you nominate yourself, and why?

I nominated myself for the award. I found out about the awards through people that I have worked with, and was encouraged by my friends, family and colleagues to apply. Coming to the end of my apprenticeship at the time, I was looking for the next step in my career and wanted to get my name ‘out there’- something that winning this prestigious award has helped me to do!


How did you find the application and interview process?

I found the application process fairly easy! To start with it was a few simple questions about myself and my experience.

Going through to the interview stage was quite nerve-wracking though! I hadn’t been in an interview in a long time, but the questions that were asked were all about me and my experience.

The interviewers were very friendly and really excited to hear about my role which helped put me at ease.


How did it feel to win your award?

I was really surprised when my name was announced. With many other really strong finalists, I was sure that their experiences really set them a bar above myself.

I felt really honoured to have won!


What impact did winning your award have on your career?

Since winning the award, I’ve joined the Future Faces network as a member- unlocking lots of personal, professional, and networking opportunities. The recognition from winning this award has boosted my profile as a young professional in my sector. Not only this but I’d like to think that winning this award contributed to my recent promotion!


What advice would you give to those applying for the Greater Birmingham Young Professional of the Year Awards 2024?

If you’re thinking about applying, I’d tell you to go for it! There’s nothing to lose!

It’s the little things that you do that have the most impact! You might underestimate the impact that you have but it’s the small things that make you stand out the most.


Where can people get in touch with you if they want to have a chat about the application and interview process, winning an award etc.?

You can find me on LinkedIn! I’d be more than happy to have a chat!

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