18 Mar 2021

...plus final farewell from Robert Elliot


In his final farewell to Solihull Chamber as president, Robert Elliot, who passed on the presidential baton yesterday to general manager of Touchwood, Tony Elvin, wishes luck, strength and good health to members of the Chamber in a letter.

So that 's that.

At yesterday's AGM it was my great pleasure to hand the office of president of Solihull Chamber to Tony Elvin. At the same time, we welcomed new members of the executive committee and vice-president team.

What lies ahead is perhaps the most challenging period in Chamber history. A period of recovery. A time for the Chamber ethos of Connect, Support and Grow to make its mark and be the difference. I wish everyone luck, strength and good health.

For me the last two years as president have been amazing. How the two years could vary, and when we met for the AGM in March 2020 who knew what the next 12 months would have in store.

Year one was a celebration of Solihull. Great events, people selling, people learning, people connecting, and all of us inspiring others to further their careers or build their businesses.

The Expo and the awards were my highlights.

Our networking events, and events highlighting diversity, inclusion and mental health were proof that we were recognising the real challenges in our society.

Year two was just as rewarding. Perhaps the way we adapted to Covid restrictions proved the strength of our Chamber as we informed, supported and connected people who might have been experiencing challenges in their business and family lives.

One thing we continued to do was celebrate Solihull and the virtual awards in October just proved that the show must go, we can still surprise people, and we are still able to recognise fantastic achievement.

I also feel that we have built such valuable relationships with our partner organisations. The BID, LEP, FSB, and without doubt Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.

Joining the mayor and leader of the Council on a civic visit to our twin region in Germany, Main Taunus Kries, was an experience I will always remember and proved if there was any doubt that the Chamber was working with the interests of our Borough at heart.

Now, it 's time to hang up my medal. So many people have supported my Presidency. They have listened to my ideas, kept my feet on the ground, helped make so much happen, and often provided moments of humour that we still smile about now.

Many too have guided me personally through some tough times and continue to support me in my new career.

To those people, who will know who they are, Thank you so much. I will never forget your generosity, friendship, and support.

To my VPs, Executive Committee, our fantastic members and valued partners in Solihull, it has been the greatest honour to serve you all, and work alongside you. I would go as far to say it has been a life changing experience.

Thank you so much.

Robert Elliot

Past president (!) of Solihull Chamber of Commerce.