Royal Sutton Coldfield

Royal Sutton Coldfield Chamber of Commerce has experienced remarkable growth in our first decade, with more than 100 members and growing attendances at events.  

The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield is a vibrant and diverse business hub, attracting young talent and becoming one of the most desirable places to work and live.  

We provide excellent networking opportunities and work closely with the Town Council to ensure that your business interests are heard and prioritised. 

As the leading organisation for business, Royal Sutton Coldfield Chamber is here to connect, support and grow businesses of all sectors. We’re here to help you thrive. Join us today to achieve great things for your business! 

Charlie Elliott

Head of Royal Sutton Coldfield
Tel: 07753 453624


Meet the Royal Sutton Coldfield Committee  


100 +

current members

400 +

Delegates attending events

200 +

Delegates attended our awards

50 +

businesses featured in our daily newsletter