12 Sep 2022

CRM experts to launch new software and partnership


Popcorn CRM will announce a partnership along with a new version of their CRM software.

The event is set to be on 20 September between 5,30 pm and 8 pm in Brindley Place with the participation of West Midlands mayor Andy Street, Simon Washbrook of popcorn CRM and Andy King of FreeAgent.

The event will showcase how the new software can help with the fundamentals of CRM, including financial integration, profit tracking, better sales, customer retention, and efficient sales forecasting in "real-time".

Figures suggest that 64 per cent of small businesses give up on using a CRM because it's too complicated and expensive. Popcorn 's new partnership will provide additional CRM insights, further integration and streamlining of the customer acquisition and retention process.

Taking place at the NatWest building, this event will host Birmingham's leading entrepreneurial and high-growth businesses along with an opportunity to network, learn insights, and join a group of businesses that will drive the region's future success.

Simon 's concept for Popcorn CRM is driven by his passion to combine all the essential tools for the sales process that small businesses typically need into one simple-to-use platform. In 2020 Simon was the winner of the 2020 dyslexia award for innovation with his celebrated Popcorn CRM.

Simon said, “We know that visualising the prospecting process from initial contact, through your preferred nurturing process and then seamlessly nailing the account's admin and taxes when they become your customers. This means you can streamline your sales and finance processes, allowing you to see the bigger picture and win more sales faster. ”

Andy Street said: “I welcome this opportunity to support local business Popcorn and wish them continued success. Tools like Popcorn CRM have proved invaluable to SMEs in Birmingham and the wider West Midlands as they seek to scale up.

As we bounce back post-pandemic, it is dynamic entrepreneurial companies right across the region that will help to supercharge our recovery. They are the drivers of growth, job creation and prosperity, and I 'm grateful for all they do and will do in the months and years ahead. ”

You can book your place at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/business-growth-event-hosted-by-andy-street-freeagent-and-popcorn-crm-tickets-414558695217