The art of public speaking

Cohort 3 Mentors have been coaching their mentees who have specifically asked for support on public speaking. This event is their chance overcome that fear! Come and see how the power of mentoring could do for you.

Want to support other young professionals with their public speaking skills and help boost their confidence? Join us for a member led event designed exclusively to give Future Faces members the opportunity to test their presenting and public speaking skills in front of a live audience! Selected members will deliver short presentations on topics of their choice. 

We all know whether you're pitching ideas, leading meetings, or delivering keynote speeches, the ability to communicate effectively can set you apart! That is why this event is tailored to help our members conquer the fear of speaking in public and master the art of engaging and persuading an audience.

Event speakers will be announced soon.


5:30 - Arrival & Networking

6:00pm - Welcome

6:15pm - Presentaions

7:00pm - Networking 

7:30 - Close




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