Putting Greater Birmingham on the Global Map

The Quarterly Business Report (QBR) offers an up-to-date snapshot of the performance of the Greater Birmingham business community. Our flagship economic publication, it is the most comprehensive regular report of its kind in the city-region. Underpinning our report is data gathered from quarterly surveys completed by businesses from across the Greater Birmingham area. This event will launch our QBR Report for Q2 2024.

Two years ago, the 2022 Commonwealth Games shone a spotlight on Greater Birmingham like never before as international visitors flocked to the region. Despite the challenges brought about by cost-of-living crisis, significant levels of investment have been made to continue supporting the visitor economy and raising the profile of Greater Birmingham as a destination of choice for visitors and investors alike. The broader theme of the event will focus on Greater Birmingham on the global stage, showcasing recent investment in Birmingham Airport to support the local economy and enhance Greater Birmingham's global reputation, in addition to exploring the valuable and innovative service exports from the region. 

The event will include a full review of the latest GBCC Quarterly Business Report results, the data from which is shared with the West Midlands Combined Authority, HM Treasury and the Bank of England and plays a vital role in shaping regional and national economic policy. Sponsored by Birmingham City University, the Quarterly Business Report is now a well-established feature in the local business calendar, these high-quality events attract a senior-level audience of c.60 for networking, discussion and intelligence sharing.


9:00am: Networking and Registration 

9.30am: Welcome and Introductions, Henrietta Brealey, CEO, GBCC

Presentation 1: Results of QBR Q2: Emily Stubbs, Head of Policy, GBCC

Presentation 2: Leading regional accountancy firm to discuss Birmingham’s place on the global stage, Richard Eccles, Partner, RSM

Presentation 3: Growing the visitor economy and building on the legacy of the Commonwealth Games, Tom Screen, Aviation Director, Birmingham Airport.

11.00am: Event closes



Birmingham City University,
Curzon Building 
4 Cardigan St,
Birmingham B4 7BD 

Click here to get directions 


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