Meet the Buyer

In partnership with business support specialists Newable, businesses based in East Birmingham and North Solihull are invited to a unique opportunity to have one to one meeting with buyers and decision makers at some of the city-region’s anchor institutions: Bournville Village Trust with Procurement Manager, Richard Williams.

Part of the Get Ready 2 Supply programme, offering expert guidance, bespoke advice, events and networking sessions, this event and the overall programme offers SMEs help to access new contracting opportunities with larger organisations across the region.

In addition to meeting buyers, our team of highly trained supply chain advisors will be available to support and advise you on how to win new contracts – it’s an opportunity not to be missed!

Who is this event for?

This event is for East Birmingham and North Solihull SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) that are fit to supply, and are actively looking to build business relationships with influential supply chain decision-makers. 

What contracts are on offer? 

  • Pest Control
  • Emergency Glazing 
  • Temporary Signage 
  • PAT Testing
  • Tree Works Landscaping 



This event is part of the Get Ready 2 Supply programme, delivered by the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce in partnership with Newable. This programme is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). As a result, a range of data must be collected from all applicants to assess your eligibility to attend/participate in this session.

Companies must:

Please note: Places are limited. By applying to attend this event you are consenting to your information being shared by the GBCC with Newable, Birmingham City Council and Solihull Council for the purposes of the Get Ready 2 Supply programme.


About Get Ready 2 Supply

Get Ready 2 Supply builds on ongoing work to enable more small and medium-sized local businesses and social enterprises to access key procurement opportunities with members of the Birmingham Anchor Network and other large local businesses.

The programme is joint funded by both Birmingham City Council and Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will directly connect East Birmingham and North Solihull businesses to customers and contracts.

Get Ready 2 Supply offers eligible firms in  East Birmingham and North Solihull:

  • One-to-one tailored supply chain readiness support from experienced business advisors
  • Expert-led workshops, designed to ensure firms are ready to access supply chain opportunities
  • Match-making ‘Meet the Buyer’ opportunities, where they will have the opportunity to discuss the provision of specific products and services

For more information about GR2S click here 





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