General Election 2024

The 2024 General Election

On the 4th July, voters across the country will head to the polls to elect their local MP.  

The results could change the makeup of the UK’s Parliament and Government and the direction of travel on a variety of policy areas such skills, international trade and sustainability.

Ahead of the election, the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce are raising awareness of what the party’s stand for and encouraging the business community to turnout to vote on the day. Topics which are likely to figure throughout the general election are:

  • Election Business Policies 2024 
  • Party pledges for businesses 
  • Election economic impact on businesses 
  • Election business tax policies 
  • Regulation changes for businesses 
  • SME support initiatives 
  • Business funding promises 
  • Business environment post-election 
  • Corporate tax changes 
  • Business rates relief

Your Chamber

In the run up to the election, the Chamber network is campaigning hard to champion and give a voice to local businesses. Many of our asks are aligned with recommendations we put forward as part of the Business Commission West Midlands which calls on national policy makers to make a series of interventions across areas such as International Trade, AI & Digitisation, Net Zero, Innovation, FDI & Inward Investment in order to unlock growth across the region. On behalf of the national network of Chambers, the British Chambers of Commerce have published the Future of the Economy Election Manifesto which outlines a series of economic interventions required to drive prosperity across all parts of the country.


Your Vote 

To take part in the election you need to be eligible and needed to have registered to vote by the 18th June. You can find out more information about your vote on the Electoral Commission website

The Parties 

View Conservative priorities

View Green priorities

View Labour priorities

View Liberal Democrat priorities

View Reform Party priorities

Your Candidates 

Find out more about your constituency’s candidates

Useful resources: General Election 2024


Business Commission West Midlands:

The Business Commission West Midlands provides a roadmap for unlocking business growth across the region.


Quarterly Business Report

An up-to-date snapshot of the performance of the Greater Birmingham business community. It is the most comprehensive regular report of its kind in the city region.


Birmingham Economic Review

An in-depth exploration of the economy of England’s second city and a high-quality resource for informing research, policy and investment decisions.